Categories: Politics

Brad Pitt Accuses President Donald Trump Of Being A Threat To Many Important Issues — Including Savory Rosé

It is no secret that many celebrities have been divided over the behavior of President Donald Trump, especially with regards to some of his more controversial policies.

And while some have chosen to stay under the radar with their opinions over the years, others have been more outspoken.

Brad Pitt has recently expressed his disapproval towards Trump, noting that the president posed a threat to the country with regards to some serious issues that it was going through right now.

This came out in an interview Pitt delivered for a French newspaper, where the interviewer pressed him on about his stance on some of the controversial policies of the Trump administration has put out.

The president threatened to impose hefty tariffs on French wine imports a few months ago, something which many saw as a knee-jerk reaction to the fact that France was attempting to make giant tech companies play by the rules.

Pitt noted that many people in the US were fans of enjoying the occasional glass of rosé, and saw it as strange that Trump would attempt to do something that would surely harm his image.

Angelina Jolie’s ex-husband said: “I do not know. I think we will always drink rosé in the United States. Unfortunately, it’s almost anecdotal. Trump represents a much bigger threat to such more serious issues.”

He went on to say that the president presented a much more significant threat to things that mattered even more in his own eyes.

Pitt did not clarify what exactly those issues were, but he made it clear that he strongly disagreed with the overall direction of Trump’s policies since he became president, and accused him of creating fake enemies to satisfy difficult situations.

Back in 2016, he made some harsh comments about Trump’s election win by saying: “Man, I never thought that would happen. The same way I can’t bring myself to think that Trump will be in charge. In the simplest terms, what brings us together is good, and what separates us is bad. We have this great line in ‘The Big Short.”

He added: “When things are going wrong, and we can’t find the reason for it, we just start creating enemies. Coming from Oklahoma, southern Missouri, which leans more toward a Trump’s voice, I try to understand it.”

Jolie has shown an interest in politics in the past, Pitt might be doing the same here with his harsh criticisms.

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