Categories: Royals

Meghan Markle And Prince Harry Wedding: Can ‘Suits’ Actress Be A Transformational Figure For The British Royal Family?

This year’s pre-Christmas dinner of the British Royal Family had a new guest, Meghan Markle, breaking all kinds of protocols.

This should, of course, come as no surprise to anyone who has been following the developments around the family, and the warm relations between Markle and the rest are no secret to the public.

In fact, there have already been several meetings between Markle and the Queen herself, and it seems like the two are on very good terms. Of course, it is also possible that things are not that well behind the scenes and this is all for the public, but in any case, it is still good to see that there is a positive vibe on the front around the royal family.

People, who have known Queen Elizabeth for a very long time, are a little bit surprised by how quickly she was able to embrace the future member of her family. Elizabeth II is typically reserved when meeting new people.

Unless she is keenly aware that Markle might represent a turning point in the royal family’s history. The American actress has the ability to be a transformational figure.

As can be expected, the controversial statements around Markle have not died down in the meantime. Not everyone is happy with the developments around her and Prince Harry, but the important thing is that the two of them are happy, and nothing else should really matter.

Not much has been announced publicly about the royal family’s plans for the big wedding, and it is possible that things will be kept under wraps for a few more months.

Still, there is a lot of interest towards the ceremony from the public, and many people seem eager to find out if there will be any special guests, or if there will be any changes to the standard format in general.

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