Categories: Movies

Quentin Tarantino Is Working On An R-rated ‘Star Trek’ Movie With J.J. Abrams

It looks like the next big venture of Quentin Tarantino might be a bit uncharacteristic for the director, as he is moving away from his comfort zone and he has apparently been eyeing the Star Trek franchise lately.

What is more, he is not alone — if the new project comes to life, it will reportedly be a collaborative effort between him and J.J. Abrams.

It sounds like this is more serious than random discussions between peers, and it is possible that things are already moving forward to put together a team of writers and other specialists and get the ball rolling.

As can be expected though, there has been no official comment regarding the project, and knowing both directors, this will likely be the case for some time in the future too.

This is not the first time Tarantino has expressed an interest in the franchise, and according to the Django Unchained director, a lot more could have been done with the old films if they had a more flexible budget.

It will be interesting to see how he can reinvent a classic like that, especially when paired with a titan like Abrams.

This could very well be the next big thing in Hollywood — but let us not forget that projects in the entertainment world come and go, and it is possible that this one might be stopped dead in its tracks due to some conflict behind the scenes.

Excited fans do not want this to occur, however, it would be far from the first time something like this has happened in the movie industry.

According to insiders, Tarantino would stay true to his brand if his ideas get the backing of Paramount and Abrams.

This means Star Trek could be at least R rated for the first time. The bosses behind the iconic franchise are okay with this possibility.